Disney Princess Breakfast

As a seasoned Disneyland traveler, I’ve had my fair share of magical experiences. From thrilling rides to enchanting parades, I thought I’d seen it all. That is, until I discovered the Disney Princess Breakfast at Napa Rose. This unique dining experience promises a fairytale morning with your favorite princesses, but is it truly worth the hefty price tag? Join me as I dive into every aspect of this royal affair and give you my honest verdict.

Disney Princess Breakfast at a Glance

FeatureDisney Princess Breakfast at Napa Rose
Price per Adult$135
Price per Child (3-9)$135
CharactersDisney Princesses (e.g., Belle, Mulan, Tiana)
Interaction QualityHigh - Extended one-on-one time, storytelling, activities
Dining Style3-course, table-service gourmet meal
VenueUpscale Napa Rose at Grand Californian Hotel
Unique ExperiencesStorytime with Belle, Warrior poses with Mulan
Keepsake GiftYes - High-quality, themed item
Reservation DifficultyHigh - Limited seating, books up fast
Best ForSpecial occasions, Princess fans, gourmet food lovers
Final VerdictIf all you want is a quick bite - Don't go. If you want a magical, unforgettable experience - Do it!

A Magical Welcome: First Impressions Matter

From the moment you step into Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa, you’re transported into a world of elegance and enchantment. The Napa Rose restaurant, nestled within this luxurious setting, sets the stage for a truly special experience. As I approached the entrance, I was greeted by none other than Belle and Mulan. Their warm smiles and genuine interactions immediately made me feel like royalty.

Grand Californian Hotel Lobby
Walking through the lobby, I was instantly transported into an outdoorsy realm with feelings of being in a log cabin.

The princesses took time to chat with each guest, asking about our favorite stories and sharing their own adventures. It wasn’t just a quick photo op; it was a heartwarming exchange that set the tone for the entire morning. Speaking of photos, the private patio where these are taken is nothing short of picturesque. With lush greenery and a charming backdrop, it’s the perfect setting for capturing memories that will last a lifetime.

Storytelling with Belle: More Than Just a Tale

One of the highlights of the breakfast was story time with Belle. Now, you might think, “I’ve heard the story of Beauty and the Beast a hundred times.” But let me tell you, there’s something magical about hearing it directly from Belle herself. She doesn’t just read; she brings the story to life with her expressive narration and interactive elements.

Belle getting interactive and sharing stories – LittleGrayThread

During my visit, Belle had children (and adults, I might add) captivated as she recounted her adventures. She paused to ask questions, encouraging everyone to participate. “What do you think the Beast was feeling?” she’d ask, and the responses ranged from heartwarming to hilarious. It wasn’t just entertainment; it was an opportunity for children to engage with literature in a fun, memorable way. As an avid reader myself, seeing kids get excited about a classic tale was priceless.

Warrior Poses with Mulan: Empowerment on the Menu

If you think princesses are all about dainty dresses and tiaras, Mulan will change your perspective. Her session was all about strength, courage, and self-confidence. She taught us “fierce warrior poses” that had everyone, regardless of age or gender, feeling empowered.

Warrior Poses with Mulan at Napa Rose
Warrior Poses with Mulan at Napa Rose – LittleGrayThread

I’ll admit, I felt a bit silly at first. But as Mulan shared stories of her journey and the challenges she overcame, I found myself fully engaged. She talked about the importance of being true to yourself and standing up for what you believe in. It was more than just poses; it was a lesson in personal growth and resilience. In a world where these messages are so crucial, having them delivered by a beloved character is incredibly impactful.

A Feast Fit for Royalty: The Appetizers

Now, let’s talk about the food. After all, this is a dining experience, and Napa Rose doesn’t disappoint. The breakfast starts with a three-tiered tower of appetizers that’s as visually stunning as it is delicious. Each item is themed around a different princess, making it a feast for the eyes and the palate.

On my visit, the tower included Tiana’s Famous Beignets, dusted with powdered sugar and reminiscent of New Orleans. They were light, airy, and melted in my mouth. Next was Chef Louie’s Mini Lobster Roll, a nod to Ariel. The lobster was fresh, the roll perfectly toasted, and the portion just right for a starter. Pocahontas’ Ah-maize-ing Cornbread was a pleasant surprise – sweet, crumbly, and with a hint of honey.

Breakfast at Disney princess Adventures
The appetizers were spectacular. Napa Rose never fails to disappoint!

But the star for me was Princess Jasmine’s Banana Wrap. It was a delightful blend of flavors – ripe bananas, a touch of cinnamon, and a drizzle of honey, all wrapped in a thin, flaky pastry. It was a refreshing departure from typical breakfast fare and spoke to the thoughtfulness behind the menu.

Main Courses: A Royal Variety

When it comes to the main course, Napa Rose caters to both young princes and princesses and their grown-up counterparts. For the little ones, options like chicken and Mickey waffles or house-made mac & cheese with bacon strike the perfect balance between fun and familiar. It’s comfort food with a Disney twist.

As an adult, I was impressed by the range and quality of offerings. I opted for the perfect scrambled eggs, which lived up to their name – creamy, fluffy, and seasoned just right. They were accompanied by maple turkey sausage with caramelized pears and figs, a combination that sounds unusual but works wonderfully. The sweetness of the fruit complemented the savory sausage, creating a harmony of flavors.

disney princess breakfast adventure

My dining companion chose the braised short ribs with balsamic cipollini onions. The meat was tender, falling off the bone with the slightest touch of a fork. The onions added a tangy sweetness that cut through the richness of the beef. Paired with truffle mac & cheese and roasted rainbow carrots in a parsnip and celery root puree, it was a dish that wouldn’t be out of place in a high-end restaurant.

It’s clear that the chefs at Napa Rose take pride in sourcing quality ingredients and preparing them with care. This isn’t your typical theme park fare; it’s a culinary experience that just happens to be Disney-themed.

Sweet Endings: Royal Desserts

If you have a sweet tooth like me, the dessert course is where the Disney Princess Breakfast truly shines. Each princess-inspired treat is a work of art, both in presentation and taste. Ariel’s Dingle Hopper Vanilla Cake Pops were a whimsical nod to the little mermaid’s fascination with human objects. The vanilla cake was moist, the frosting not overly sweet, and the edible glitter added that touch of magic.

Pocahontas Colors of the Wind Sorbet was a palate cleanser that took me by surprise. Made with a blend of wild berries, it was refreshing and vibrant, much like Pocahontas herself. The presentation, with edible flowers and a swirl that mimicked the wind, was Instagram-worthy.

Disney Princess Desserts at Napa Rose
Image: Orange County Register

Princess Aurora’s Chocolate Cream Puffs were a nod to French patisserie, fitting for the princess who pricked her finger on a spinning wheel. The choux pastry was light and airy, filled with a rich chocolate cream that wasn’t cloying. But the standout for me was Tiana’s Pistachio Macarons. As someone who’s tried macarons in Paris, I can say these held their own. The shells had that perfect crisp exterior and chewy interior, and the pistachio filling was pure indulgence.

The Venue: Napa Rose’s Ambiance

The Disney Princess Breakfast wouldn’t be half as magical if it weren’t for its setting. Napa Rose, with its wine country-inspired decor, strikes a balance between sophistication and warmth. The high ceilings, adorned with intricate wooden beams, give the space an airy feel. Large windows let in plenty of natural light, creating a bright, cheerful atmosphere perfect for a morning celebration.

Napa rose Inside

What I particularly love is how they’ve seamlessly blended the princess theme into this upscale environment. Subtle touches like tiara-shaped napkin holders and elegant floral centerpieces nod to the royal guests without overwhelming the space. It’s a testament to Disney’s attention to detail – creating an experience that appeals to both the young princesses and their adult companions.

The staff at Napa Rose also deserve a special mention. From the moment we were seated, our server was attentive without being intrusive. She knew the menu inside out, offering suggestions based on our preferences. When my young niece spilled her juice, the cleanup was swift and accompanied by a kind word that turned a potential tantrum into giggles. It’s this level of service that elevates the experience from a meal to a memory.

The Price: A Royal Investment?

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – the price. At $135 per person, regardless of age, the Disney Princess Breakfast is undeniably expensive. It’s more than many families might spend on an entire day’s meals at the park. So, is it worth it?

The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. It depends on what you value. If you’re looking at it purely as a meal, it’s hard to justify. Even with the high-quality ingredients and expert preparation, you could find comparable food for less. But this experience offers so much more than just food.

Consider the one-on-one time with the princesses. In the parks, meeting characters often means long lines and brief interactions. Here, you get extended, quality time in a more intimate setting. For a child (or an adult) who adores these characters, that’s invaluable. Then there are the unique activities – story time, warrior poses – that you won’t find anywhere else. These aren’t just photo ops; they’re immersive experiences that can leave a lasting impact.

There’s also the keepsake each child receives. During my visit, it was a beautiful journal with a princess-themed cover. It’s not just a trinket but a high-quality item that my niece still uses to write her stories, inspired by her morning with the princesses.

Lastly, consider the ambiance and service. You’re not just paying for food; you’re paying for an impeccably crafted experience in a luxurious setting. For special occasions – birthdays, graduations, or just a once-in-a-lifetime trip – that level of magic might be worth the splurge.

The Verdict: A Fairytale Worth the Price?

After experiencing every aspect of the Disney Princess Breakfast at Napa Rose, from the warm welcome to the last bite of pistachio macaron, I can say this: it’s an extraordinary experience that, for the right person at the right time, is absolutely worth the price.

This isn’t just a meal; it’s a memory-making machine. It’s watching a child’s eyes light up as they learn warrior poses from Mulan or hearing their laughter as they participate in Belle’s story time. It’s savoring exquisitely prepared dishes that honor both Disney magic and culinary craftsmanship. It’s the peace of mind that comes with attentive service in a beautiful setting, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment.

Yes, $135 per person is a significant amount. But when I think about the joy on my niece’s face, the way she recounted every detail to her friends for weeks afterward, I know it was money well spent. This breakfast gave her more than just autographs and photos; it gave her stories to tell, lessons in bravery and self-confidence, and a reminder that she, too, can be the hero of her own story.

For adults, it’s a chance to indulge in nostalgia and gourmet cuisine simultaneously. It’s a reminder that there’s magic in embracing your inner child, in letting yourself be swept up in a fairytale, even if just for a morning. The price tag also ensures a more exclusive experience – no long lines, no rushed interactions, just pure, uninterrupted enchantment.

Is it an everyday expense? No. Is it for everyone? Also no. If you’re on a tight budget or if meeting characters isn’t a priority, there are other ways to enjoy Disney magic. But if you have the means and want to create an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience, the Disney Princess Breakfast at Napa Rose is worth every penny.

In a world that can often feel rushed and impersonal, especially in popular tourist destinations, this breakfast offers a pause, a moment to connect with beloved characters and each other. It’s a luxurious reminder that sometimes, the most valuable things we can give our loved ones (and ourselves) are not material possessions, but magical moments and treasured memories.

So, my verdict? For those special occasions, for those who believe in the power of fairytales, for anyone who wants to experience Disney magic at its most personal and luxurious, the Disney Princess Breakfast is more than worth it. It’s not just a meal; it’s a once-upon-a-time that you’ll cherish ever after.

By Mark T.

Mark is a veteran editor who focuses on Disney news. With over ten years of experience, he covers everything from theme parks to movies, attracting a dedicated audience of Disney fans globally.