Club 33 Entrance

Family and friends of Bonnye Lear, the esteemed Club 33 manager who tragically passed away following an accident at Disneyland, have launched a crowdfunding campaign to cover funeral expenses and legal fees.

A GoFundMe page set up for Lear’s family is seeking to raise $100,000. The funds will be used for memorial services and to secure a strong legal team to pursue justice regarding the circumstances of her death.

Tragic Accident Behind the Scenes

“Known for her kind, gentle soul and loving personality, Bonnye Lear would light up a room with a level of professionalism that was unmatched,” reads the heartfelt description on the GoFundMe page. “She was a firework and spread her light to all of those around her with enthusiasm and grace.”

Bonnye Lear, 60, a resident of Fullerton, sustained severe injuries on June 5 when she fell from a golf cart in a backstage area behind Critter Country at Disneyland. Tragically, she succumbed to her injuries two days later on June 7.

Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock addressed the incident in a letter to employees, expressing the company’s commitment to supporting Lear’s family during this difficult time. “We are focused on supporting Bonnye’s family and know this is also a difficult time for many of our cast members,” Potrock wrote.

Support for the Lear Family

The Lear family is not only grappling with immense grief but also facing numerous challenges. They seek financial support to help Bonnye’s three children navigate this heartbreaking period. “Due to the unfortunate circumstances that the Lear family has had to face, they are seeking funds for any costs associated with the rectification of this tragic accident including cremation, memorial service, a strong legal team to seek justice for her death, and any other unexpected costs,” the GoFundMe page explains.

Bonnye Lear had dedicated 24 years to Disneyland, most recently serving as a Senior Guest Services Manager at Club 33, an exclusive, members-only club in New Orleans Square known for its elite status and air of mystery. Her career at Disneyland also included roles in guest services, special activities, and the travel agency divisions.

Investigation Underway

The Anaheim Police Department and the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) are actively investigating the circumstances surrounding Lear’s death. The goal of the investigation is to determine what led to the tragic accident and whether any safety regulations were violated.

The news of Lear’s passing has deeply affected her colleagues and friends within the Disneyland community. Her loss is felt across the park, particularly among those who had the privilege of working closely with her.

As the investigation continues and the Lear family mourns, the crowdfunding campaign serves as a vital means of support, helping them to cope with their loss and pursue justice for Bonnye. Those wishing to contribute can find the campaign on GoFundMe, where the family shares more about Bonnye’s legacy and their hopes for accountability.

The tragic accident has underscored the importance of workplace safety and the devastating impact such incidents can have on families and communities. The outpouring of support for the Lear family reflects the high regard in which Bonnye was held and the community’s desire to honor her memory.

By Mark T.

Mark is a veteran editor who focuses on Disney news. With over ten years of experience, he covers everything from theme parks to movies, attracting a dedicated audience of Disney fans globally.