50 Hilarious Questions to Ask at Turtle Talk With Crush

Are you ready for a totally righteous adventure, dudes and dudettes? If you’re heading to Disney California Adventure or Epcot at Walt Disney World, you’ve got to catch the totally tubular Turtle Talk With Crush. It’s your chance to hang ten with the coolest sea turtle in the big blue, straight outta “Finding Nemo”! Crush is always stoked to chat with his human buddies, so we’ve rounded up 50 hilarious questions to ask during your interactive sesh. Get ready to laugh your shell off!

1. “Yo, Crush! How fast can you ride the EAC?”

Get ready for Crush to boast about his gnarly skills on the East Australian Current. He might even throw in a “Whoa, dude!” or two.

2. “What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen in the ocean, dude?”

Expect some wild tales involving jellyfish discos, shark conga lines, or maybe even a mermaid sighting!

3. “Crush, do you ever get tired of saying ‘dude’?”

His response? Probably something like, “No way, dude! It’s like, my favorite word, dude!”

4. “How do you keep your shell so shiny?”

He might reveal his secret ocean-friendly turtle wax or joke about getting a buff from his fish friends.

5. “Can you teach us how to speak Turtle?”

Get ready for a hilarious lesson in “Crush-ese,” complete with surfer lingo and underwater sound effects.

6. “What’s your favorite pizza topping, Crush?”

Will it be seaweed supreme or maybe krill-and-cheese? His answer is sure to be fintastic!

7. “Do you ever play hide-and-seek with Squirt?”

Imagine Crush explaining how hard it is to hide a 150-year-old turtle in a game of hide-and-seek.

8. “Have you ever tried to surf on a shark?”

His response could range from “Totally tried it, dude!” to “Nah, man, I respect the shark dudes too much!”

9. “What’s the best way to outswim a hungry shark?”

Crush might joke, “Just tell ’em you’re on a kelp-only diet, dude! They’ll swim the other way, fast!”

10. “Do you have a favorite Disney ride, Crush?”

He’d probably say, “The EAC is my ultimate ride, little dudes! But at the park? Gotta be Soarin’!”

11. “How many languages can you speak, dude?”

Get ready for Crush to list off “Turtle, Whale, Shark, and of course, Surfer Dude!”

12. “What’s your secret to staying so chill?”

His zen wisdom might include, “Just go with the flow, like the ocean, dude. No waves, no worries!”

13. “Have you ever been in a turtle traffic jam?”

Cue Crush describing a hilarious underwater rush hour with turtles, fish, and maybe even a slow-moving whale.

14. “Do you have a favorite dance move?”

Be prepared for Crush to bust out his signature move, the “Shell Spin” or the “Turtle Twist.”

15. “What do you do for turtle movie night?”

He might say, “We watch ‘Shell-o-vision’ under the stars, dude! Our fave? ‘Jaws,’ but we root for the shark!”

16. “Have you ever played leapfrog with dolphins?”

His response could be, “Tried it once, dude. Let’s just say dolphins don’t play fair!”

17. “What’s your favorite way to prank Marlin?”

Crush might reveal, “I sometimes swim up real slow and whisper, ‘Shark!’ Gets him every time, dude!”

18. “Do you ever get lost in the big blue?”

“Lost? Nah, dude! I just take the scenic route. More adventure that way!” he’d probably say.

19. “What’s the best underwater joke you know?”

Get ready for a classic like, “Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish, dude!”

20. “Have you ever had a staring contest with a squid?”

Crush might joke, “Yeah, but I always lose count of their eyes, man! Not fair!”

21. “What’s your favorite tongue twister, Crush?”

He could hit you with, “She sells seashells by the seashore, dude! Or was it sea turtles? I always forget!”

22. “Do you ever use your shell as a surfboard?”

His reply might be, “Tried it once, little dude. Ended up doing more barrel rolls than surfing!”

23. “What’s the weirdest thing you’ve found in a sunken ship?”

Expect a tale about finding a waterproof pizza delivery box or an old-timey diver’s helmet.

24. “Have you ever tried to join a school of fish?”

“Dude, I tried. But they said I didn’t pass the ‘scales’ test!” Crush would quip.

25. “What’s your favorite underwater snack?”

“Seaweed chips, my little dudes! They’re totally kelptastic!” he’d probably enthuse.

26. “Do you ever play Marco Polo with Nemo and his friends?”

Crush might say, “We tried, but Dory kept forgetting if she was Marco or Polo!”

27. “What’s the most radical wave you’ve ever caught?”

Get ready for an epic tale of a 50-foot wave that turned out to be a blue whale’s sneeze.

28. “Have you ever been in a bubble-blowing contest?”

“Oh, dude! I won last year’s contest. My secret? Lots of practice with Squirt’s bubble baths!”

29. “What’s your favorite way to stay cool in the summer?”

He’d probably say, “I just dive down to the chillaxin’ zone, where the water’s always cool, dude!”

30. “Do turtles ever get brain freeze from eating too much kelpsicle?”

Crush might laugh, “Totally, dude! It’s a real shell-shocker when it hits!”

31. “Have you ever tried to teach a shark to smile?”

His response? “Yeah, but they’re always like, ‘I’m too cool for gills,’ dude!”

32. “What’s the best way to throw a turtle surprise party?”

“Just yell ‘Cowabunga!’ and jump out. We’re always ready to party, dude!” he’d say.

33. “Do you ever play hide-and-seek in a coral reef?”

“Dude, it’s the best! But I always lose to the clownfish. They’re natural hiders, man!”

34. “What’s your favorite turtle-y day of the year?”

“World Turtle Day, May 23rd, dude! It’s like Christmas, but with more shell-ebrations!”

35. “Have you ever tried to race a sailfish?”

Crush might admit, “Once, dude. Let’s just say I was left in his bubbles!”

36. “What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?”

He could describe a dream where he’s a land turtle trying to navigate the EAC on a skateboard.

37. “Do you have an underwater alarm clock?”

“Yeah, dude! It’s a rooster fish. He cock-a-doodle-glubs every morning!” Crush would joke.

38. “Have you ever had a staring contest with a clam?”

His reply? “Dude, they always win! I never know if their eyes are open or closed!”

39. “What’s your favorite underwater sport?”

“Extreme shell sledding down underwater volcanoes, dude! It’s lava-ly!” he’d exclaim.

40. “Do you ever get your flippers tangled when you’re excited?”

Crush might demonstrate, flailing his flippers and saying, “All the time, dude! It’s a turtle thing!”

41. “What’s the most embarrassing thing Squirt has caught you doing?”

“Dude, one time he caught me practicing my acceptance speech for ‘Coolest Turtle of the Century’!”

42. “Have you ever tried to teach a jellyfish to juggle?”

“Yeah, man! But they kept dropping the balls. Jelly hands, you know?” he’d jest.

43. “What’s your favorite underwater holiday?”

“Shell-oween, dude! We all dress up as land creatures. I go as a skateboarder every year!”

44. “Do you ever play ‘I Spy’ in the ocean?”

“All the time, little dude! But Dory always forgets what she spied!” Crush would chuckle.

45. “Have you ever tried to give a whale a piggyback ride?”

His response? “Once, dude. Let’s just say, even my shell has limits!”

46. “What’s your favorite tongue twister in Turtle?”

Expect something like, “Teeny tiny turtles taking turns tasting totally tasty turtle treats!”

47. “Do you ever play charades with silent fish?”

“Dude, it’s their favorite game! But guessing ‘swimming’ every round gets old!” he’d quip.

48. “What’s the funniest misunderstanding you’ve had with a human?”

Crush might say, “One dude thought the EAC was a turtle rollercoaster. I mean, he’s not wrong!”

49. “Have you ever tried to teach Marlin to chill?”

“Every day, dude! But that fish is wound tighter than a nautilus shell!” he’d laugh.

50. “What’s your life motto, Crush?”

And finally, the coolest turtle in the sea would probably say, “Ride the wave of life, dude! And always, ALWAYS, give high-fives!”

There you have it, shell-mates! Fifty fin-tastic questions to ask Crush during your next Turtle Talk. Remember, it’s all about the laughs, the learning, and the totally tubular turtle time. So strap on your imaginary scuba gear, and get ready to dive into a sea of giggles with our favorite dude, Crush.

By Mark T.

Mark is a veteran editor who focuses on Disney news. With over ten years of experience, he covers everything from theme parks to movies, attracting a dedicated audience of Disney fans globally.